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AIIMS Clarifies: No National Exit Test (NEXT) Exam to Replace NEET PG

In a recent development, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has officially clarified that there will be no National Exit Test (NEXT) exam conducted in the second half of this year, as a replacement for the National Eligibility Entrance Test Postgraduate (NEET PG). This clarification comes in response to a fake notification circulating on social media, which falsely claimed that the examination authority would be introducing the NEXT exam.


The phony announcement was initially shared by Dr. Rohan Krishnan, an orthopedic physician in New Delhi and advisor to the Federation of All India Medical Association (FAIMA), along with his conviction that it was authentic, based on his sources. He later withdrew his claim, tweeting that the National Medical Commission (NMC) had denied ownership of the dubious letter. He expressed the expectation that the NMC will quickly issue a formal statement in an effort to stop future instances of such misuse.


The NMC’s denial and AIIMS’s clarification confirm that the NEXT test would not be used to replace the NEET PG exam. The affected parties must only depend on the real letters, circulars, and notices posted on the NMC’s official website. The National Medical Commission will respond appropriately to any false information shared on social media and take appropriate legal action against offenders.

The Value of Clarification About NEXT

The NMC’s denial and the AIIMS’s clarification have major implications for the Indian medical community and aspiring medical professionals. Candidates who had already registered for the NEET PG exam and were unsure of their future prospects experienced worry due to the confusion brought on by the bogus notification. AIIMS and the NMC were able to allay fears and give much-needed clarification by addressing the problem and dispelling the erroneous information.


National Eligibility Entrance Test Postgraduate (NEET PG) and National Exit Test (NEXT)

Understanding the purpose and importance of both the National Exit Test (NEXT) and the National Eligibility Entrance Test Postgraduate (NEET PG) is crucial for a better understanding of the situation.


Medical graduates who want to enroll in postgraduate programmes at medical colleges across the nation must pass the NEET PG exam. It evaluates the applicants’ expertise and knowledge in a range of medical fields and is a key factor in evaluating whether they qualify for admission.


On the other hand, it has been suggested that medical graduates take the National Exit Test (NEXT), a unified licensing exam, in order to earn a license to practice medicine in India. The NEXT exam seeks to eliminate the current system of many entry tests and offer a uniform platform for evaluating medical graduates.

The Circulation of the False Notification About NEXT

Medical professionals and prospective candidates are confused and uncertain as a result of the phony exam notification that has been circulated. This false information was widely disseminated by means of social media platforms, sparking a lot of worry and conjecture.


The notification’s original endorsement by Dr. Rohan Krishnan gave the erroneous claim more legitimacy, which made the confusion worse. He quickly changed his mind, nevertheless, after learning that the NMC had renounced the dubious letter. His next tweet emphasized how crucial it is to guarantee the veracity and legitimacy of the information posted on social media sites.

Authenticity is ensured by using official sources

As a result of this tragedy, it is crucial for people to rely on official sources for reliable information. The main channel for transmitting actual letters, circulars, and notices is the NMC’s official website. People can avoid falling for deceptive and fraudulent statements by getting information straight from the source.


There will not be a National Exit Test (NEXT) test held to replace the National Eligibility Entrance Test Postgraduate (NEET PG), according to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and the National Medical Commission (NMC). Medical professionals and potential candidates were unnecessarily confused and anxious as a result of the phony notification’s spread over social media sites.


People must only rely on information that has been independently reviewed and is authenticated on the NMC’s official website. They can use this to stay educated, reduce unneeded stress, and make wise decisions about their futures in medicine.