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Tag: ExcellenceInMedicine

CMC Vellore: The best private medical college

The best private medical college in India will be discussed in this article.

CMC Vellore has begun its application process, and as with every year, CMC begins its application process early. As a result, you can begin applying to CMC Vellore. CMC Vellore’s MBBS seats are now limited, with only 100 available. 30 seats are for the Tamil Nadu government quota; 20 seats are for Tamil Nadu’s Christian minority; and the remaining 50 seats are as follows: 38 seats are for Christian minority networks; these colleges are part of the Christian minority network, so they are reserved for them. The ten seats are reserved for CMC Vellore employees, with only two seats available to the rest of India. As a result, the merit of this is very high.


This article will discuss the best private medical college in India.

CMC Vellore has begun its application process, as it does every year. As a result, you can begin applying to CMC Vellore. CMC Vellore’s MBBS seats are now limited, with only 100 available. 30 seats are for the Tamil Nadu government quota; 20 seats are for Tamil Nadu’s Christian minority; and the remaining 50 seats are as follows: 38 seats are for Christian minority networks; these colleges are part of the Christian minority network, so they are reserved for them. The ten seats are reserved for CMC Vellore employees, with only two seats available to the rest of India. As a result, the merit of this is very high.


You can see the details in the table below:

Further courses and their details:


Online application dates and details are given below:

**This article was written with the inputs provided by Mr. Ashok Singh, director of BODMAS education Services Private Ltd. BODMAS education has been doing educational research and providing student counselling and advice for the past five years.