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Tag: KCET2023

First Day of Kcet 2023 for 2.6 Lakh Students.

Check Dates for the Karnataka UGCET Exams

May 20, 2023 – A record-breaking 2.6 lakh students are preparing to take the Karnataka UGCET Exam over the course of the next three days as part of the much anticipated Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) 2023, which is due to begin today. Students who want to enroll in professional programmes including medicine, dentistry, engineering or architecture, BSc agriculture, BSc agri bio tech, BHSc (home science), and others can do so by taking this entrance exam. For the benefit of the applicants, let’s go into more detail about the KCET 2023 exam schedule, scheduling, and other crucial facts.

KCET Exam Schedule 2023

From May 20 through May 22, 2023, the KCET 2023 exam will be held. Five papers total—Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and Kannada Language—make up the test. Each paper is worth a total of 60 points, with one point given for each accurate response. Notably, there won’t be any deductible marks for erroneous responses, so candidates can attempt questions without worry. Let’s look at the KCET 2023 exam schedule in more detail:

May 20, 2023

  • Biology: 10:30 AM to 11:50 AM
  • Mathematics: 2:30 PM to 3:50 PM

May 21, 2023

  • Physics: 10:30 AM to 11:50 AM
  • Chemistry: 2:30 PM to 3:50 PM

May 22, 2023

  • Kannada Language: 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Thousands of Aspiring Minds Participated

According to statistics, 2,60,000 students have registered for the Karnataka UGCET, an astounding number. About 1.4 lakh of these prospective candidates are female, while 1.21 lakh are male. The large turnout demonstrates the students’ intense interest in and commitment to getting into the programmes they choose. Bangalore is home to 121 of the state’s 592 exam centres, which will be used to administer the test.



The following commonly asked questions concerning the KCET 2023 exam are listed to provide further clarification and to answer popular inquiries:

  • How long will the KCET 2023 exam last?

Each paper in the KCET 2023 exam lasts one hour and twenty minutes.


  • Do the documents have any gaps in them?

Yes, a break will occur between the morning and afternoon exam sessions to provide candidates a chance to rest and recharge.


  • Do applicants need to bring any identification to the testing location?

The KCET 2023 admit card must be carried in addition to a valid ID evidence, such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, or passport.


  • When taking the mathematics exam, are calculators allowed?

No, it is totally forbidden to use calculators or any other electronic devices during the exam.


  • How will the results of the KCET 2023 be announced?

On the official website, the KCET 2023 exam results will be published. Candidates can obtain their personal scores by entering their registration information.


  • Are there any special guidelines for the exam’s attire?

Although there is no set dress code, it is advised that applicants wear comfortable clothing and steer clear of any items that might be considered exam-inappropriate.