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Tag: MPH

Master of Public Health (MPH) Applications Invited at AIIMS

The Executive Programme in Public Health Policy, Leadership & Management has begun accepting online applications, according to a recent announcement from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS Jodhpur). With the help of this programme, mid-career and senior-level professionals will be better equipped to lead and manage in the public health sector. The programme, which lasts for six months, provides a thorough curriculum that blends online interactive sessions with in-person meetings.


The application should be submitted by 30 may 2023 5:00 P.M. At the given link  


Addressing and resolving diverse public health issues requires the use of public health education. Strengthening the training capabilities of people working in the healthcare industry is crucial if we are to develop and retain a critical mass of public health professionals. The School of Public Health at AIIMS Jodhpur is committed to offering the community the best possible public health education, research, fellowship, training, and medical care. The Master of Public Health (MPH) programme, one of AIIMS Jodhpur’s signature offerings, strives to give professionals the comprehensive expertise necessary to effectively address public health concerns and assume leadership roles.

Eligibility requirements

Applicants must meet certain requirements in order to be qualified for the Executive Programme in Public Health Policy, Leadership & Management. The following criteria must be met to be eligible:

Educational Qualifications


  • MBBS/BDS/AYUSH (Alternative System of Medicine in India)


  • Bachelor’s degree in Nursing, Veterinary Sciences, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, or Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks.
  • Any other graduate degree with a minimum of 60% marks.

Other Essential Criteria

  • Minimum of five years of work experience, preferably in a healthcare setting.
  • Should possess a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the employer/sponsoring organization.

Places and Price Structure

There are a total of 20 places available for the Executive Programme in Public Health Policy, Leadership & Management, 15 of which are set aside for Indian citizens (5 foreign applicants; 8 medical professionals and 7 non-medical professionals).

Depending on the type of candidate, different fees apply for the programme:


  • Candidates from State and Central Government organizations, Union Territories, Armed Forces, and International Developmental Agencies (WHO, UNICEF/UNDP/UNFPA, etc.) in India: NIL
  • Candidates working in India in private organizations from diverse sectors, including Health and Social Services, community organizations, Education, Clinical Research, Medicine, and Pharmaceutical companies: INR 100,000.
  • Foreign candidates working in private organizations from diverse sectors, including Health and Social Services, community organizations, Education, Clinical Research, Medicine, and Pharmaceutical companies: USD 1500.

Programme Length and Content

For mid-career and senior-level professionals with more than five years of work experience, there is a six-month training programme called the Executive Programme in Public Health Policy, Leadership & Management. While participating in the programme, participants can continue to work for their respective organisations and develop their leadership and management abilities.

Learning Results

  • Gain knowledge of the steps involved in creating policies, such as problem formulation, implementation, analysis, and evaluation.
  • Recognise how the various stakeholders and sectors that play a role in policymaking operate.
  • Become knowledgeable about managing health projects and programmes.

Structure of the Programme

The AIIMS Jodhpur MPH programme combines on-campus instruction with online learning opportunities to deliver a thorough educational experience. The instructional methodology consists of lectures, seminars, fieldwork, homework, and online instruction. The programme has a dual-mode structure, with 2 weeks of in-person instruction and 22 weeks of project-based online learning.


At the start and end of the course, there are contact classes offered at the AIIMS Jodhpur campus. These seven-day courses offer the chance to speak with professors and classmates in person. Students participate in lectures, tutorials, presentations, and guided reading sessions during the contact classes, which improve their comprehension of public health frameworks and concepts.

Web-Based Education

The majority of the course material is offered online, giving students flexibility and accessibility. Regular tasks are given to gauge students’ progress, and weekly and biweekly readings are planned to direct the learning process. Lectures, tutorials, seminars, fieldwork, and research projects are all included in the online learning modules. Students can learn at their own pace while getting direction from the appointed faculty when using this form of instruction.

Credit Allocation

Candidates must acquire a total of 10 credits—spread across six modules and an academic project—to graduate from the MPH programme. The following is the credit distribution:



  1. Module 1 – Introduction to Health Policy (1.5 credits)
  2. Module II – Health Policy Framework (1.5 credits)
  3. Module III – Stakeholder Analysis and Policy Implementation in Health Program Management (1.5 credits)
  4. Module IV – Health Program Management (1.5 credits)
  5. Module V – Assessment and Strategic Planning (1 credit)
  6. Module VI – Leadership in Health Policy and Management (2 credits)

Academic undertaking

Academic Project (1 Credit) – Over the course of six months, students can use their knowledge and research abilities to tackle current issues in public health.

Admissions and Evaluation

The MPH programme at AIIMS Jodhpur has a strict admissions procedure. Candidates are shortlisted once applications are received based on their Statement of Purpose and Curriculum Vitae. Personal/web-based interviews are then extended to the shortlisted candidates. The programme offers merit-based admission.


Students are evaluated summatively and formatively throughout the course. The successful submission of tasks at the conclusion of each module is one of the assessment techniques. These tests make sure that students fully comprehend the learning objectives and are equipped to run health programmes successfully.