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Tag: Telangana doctors ask for postponement of NMC’s district residency programme

Telangana doctors ask for postponement of NMC’s district residency programme

The implementation of the National Medical Commission’s (NMC) District Residency Programme (DRP) in Telangana, which was scheduled to commence on March 20, has been postponed as requested by the state’s postgraduate (PG) resident doctors. These doctors have communicated to Health Minister T. Harish Rao and Health Secretary Syed Ali Murtuza Rizvi about some practical difficulties they may face during the programme.


On Sunday, March 19, the Telangana Junior Doctors’ Association (T-JUDA) held a meeting with Minister Rao to discuss the issues surrounding the residency programme. After considering the concerns raised by the doctors, the Minister scheduled a meeting with Health Secretary Syed Ali Murtuza Rizvi on March 20 to discuss the matter further.

As per the National Medical Commission’s (NMC) programme, it is mandatory for all postgraduate (PG) residents from government, private, and deemed universities across all states and union territories to undergo a three-month training programme, during which they are required to serve at a district hospital.


According to Dr. Kaushik Kumar Pinjarala, the President of T-JUDA, the District Residency Programme has already been implemented in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Telangana. However, unlike other states, Telangana has not given students the option of serving in their home districts. Consequently, students have been posted in far-off places and are required to travel a distance of 125-150 km, which they are willing to do occasionally. However, the district hospitals where they have been posted are not providing them with accommodation, facilities, or food. When asked, the hospitals said that they had not received any communication from the government regarding these matters.


After failing to receive any satisfactory help from the state’s Directorate of Medical Education (DME), the doctors approached Minister Rao seeking a solution to their problems. The doctors requested that the government assign them hospitals in their home districts to avoid extensive travel. The minister responded positively and scheduled a meeting with Health Secretary Rizvi on March 20 at 11:30 a.m. to discuss the issues and find a solution, according to a press release by T-JUDA.


The students’ suggestion of being allotted hospitals in their home districts or near their parent hospitals was deemed complicated and practically impossible by the Health Secretary. In response, the residents proposed the idea of providing them with accommodation or offering an allowance to help them find their own accommodation and cover their travel expenses, along with food expenses.


The press release by T-JUDA states that the Health Secretary, Syed Ali Murtuza Rizvi, assured the PG residents that he would talk to all superintendents in the hospitals or rent places around the hospitals to provide them with accommodation. Additionally, he promised that food facilities would be available for all duty doctors.

The students are currently awaiting a positive response from the government and have requested that the programme be delayed. Responding to their request, the Directorate of Medical Education (DME) issued a notice on March 20, postponing the implementation date of the programme to April 1.


According to the resident doctors, the lack of accommodation would cause them additional mental stress, and their workload would increase due to the long travel distance and the shortage of support. Dr. Kaushik highlights that female residents would face even more challenges with the travel, as some of them might have to relocate with their families for three months.


The students are requesting that Telangana adopt the same approach as the other states where the programme has been implemented. According to Dr. Kaushik, “It is well-organized in Kerala.” Nevertheless, the Health Secretary stated that it would be challenging for the current batch of students, but there might be gradual improvements. The government will also have a better understanding of how to improve the situation, as per the T-JUDA press release.